Taking photos of babies is more than just pressing a button for me. The joy I get from seeing the start of a new family is real and gives me a great feeling! I love seeing baby being gently carried into the studio by very proud parents who are dying to show off this cute new arrival.
I know the reality on the other side might be different… you might have had a sleepless night and feeling a bit worse for wear. You might have struggled to find some clothes without baby sick on so that you could leave the house or you might feel sore or just generally wiped out, but believe me… I don’t see any of this! There is a little bit of magic with a new mum or a new family that maybe only others can see.
I always incorporate family photos within my newborn shoots and they generally end up being some of my favourite shots in a final gallery. I love the emotional connection between baby and Mum and Dad.
But let’s just go back to the tired Mummy and stressed out Dad… when you arrive in the studio, you are so excited to have some photos taken of your new baby but you might not be so keen to get in front of the camera yourself. I’ve had some parents say point blank they just want me to focus on babies but guess what?
I don’t take no for an answer!
I get it I really do! You might not feel camera ready after giving birth 2 weeks ago or you might have not found the time to put your ‘face on’ but please trust me… I try really hard to take gorgeous photos.. and photos that you WANT to buy and show off.
So let’s try and put your mind at rest.
Firstly, I usually do parents shots towards the end of the shoot, so while I am having a whale of the time photographing your newborn, you have time to put some make up on or do your hair. There is no need to arrive ‘photo ready’. However, saying that, you just need to look natural and not overly made over. My parent’s portraits are usually shot from the waist upwards so worry not about any mummy tummies. I think this fact alone can change your mind. I also send over some info on what to wear beforehand so don’t stress about it and keep it simple.
I always say that these photos are not really for you… although who wouldn’t want a gorgeous portrait of yourselves as new parents to remember that part of your life? These photos are for your son or daughter to look back on. To give them a sense of belonging and security and to show them how much they were loved. What about when they become parents themselves? Have you got any photos of you with your parents when you were tiny? How precious would those photos be to you and can you imagine showing your child how you and your parents looked when you were born? Priceless!
Now here would be a good time to insert a photo of me as a baby with my parents but I am one of those who doesn’t have one. Makes me a bit sad.
SO BE IN THE SHOT (It’s virtually an order!)
Now just a word of warning… this can all go a bit pear shape when baby decides to *cough* relieve themselves! I’ve had some funny moments with what I call The THREE P’s (poop, pee and puke) and they all tend to happen during parents shots! Don’t ask me why! So please, bring some spare clothes!
Have I convinced you? I do hope so but I do have a plan B up my sleeve. I can just use your hands! Using parents hands gives some perspective to a shot and really shows just how tiny baby is and having hands on baby can be very soothing for them too.
Parents shots and ones with hands in the photo are some of my best selling photos so just trust me and let me create something special for you… you might be surprised!
Tiny Baby Studio is based in Newcastle upon Tyne and I take bookings newborns, babies, and milestones like first birthday, family portraits for all ages and also weddings.
If you would like to book a session then please get in touch with me at Tiny Baby Studio or, check out my Facebook page to keep up with everything that goes on in the studio.
beautiful images and you are right parents do need to be in the newborn shots it makes them much more meaningful