One of the things that has been hugely affected by the Coronavirus pandemic are the antenatal classes that are so essential to a Mum-2-be’s health and well being. Social Distancing is important, so we need to work with it, and find ways of connecting with others, while staying safe.
There are many benefits to pregnancy classes..
- Getting information and knowledge to help you feel prepared
- An opportunity to have your questions answered by a trained person
- An opportunity to make friends and build a support network
- Social connection (other mums and their partners are going through the same things!)
- Health benefits such as keeping active and looking after your mind and body
Thankfully, with technology we can all keep in touch and stay connected despite being stuck at home. I’ve been loving my Zoom chats with groups of friends, and joining in quizzes has been lots of fun! Using this technology, many antenatal experts have gone live online and created some really good online courses or classes. Whether it’s antenatal or parentcraft classes or hypnobirthing or yoga, there is so much to choose from! I asked in my Lockdown Babies Facebook group for ones they’ve been enjoying and I thought I would pull them together to help you easily find the best resources. If you know of any others then let me know and I will add them to this list.
NCT Antenatal Classes
NCT is the UK’s leading charity for parents and offers antenatal support, reliable information, networks and friendships to make sure parents-to-be and new parents feel connected and supported.
NCT offer a live online antenatal course with 12 hours of live, interactive sessions. They also offer other online courses covering Twins and multiples, water births and Yoga.
Antenatal and Postnatal Education and Support North East
Some women may have had their NHS antenatal education classes withdrawn, some women may be in a period of self isolation and unable to access group classes, some women may simply feel uncomfortable in group environments at the moment. Whatever the situation this temporary group will enable women to access short education, relaxation and exercise videos which will be invaluable at this time.
They offer a collection of useful and enjoyable learning which you can dip in and out of as you choose to help you feel more prepared and empowered!
The Well House Therapy
The Well House Therapy runs group classes and private 1-2-1 sessions in Pilates, Pregnancy Yoga, Pre and Postnatal Pilates, Children’s Yoga 4-12yrs, and Baby Massage & Yoga in the Newcastle upon Tyne and Northumberland area.
Bump Baby and Beyond
Offering education, advice and support to expectant and new parents in Newcastle and North Tyneside. Experienced midwives, teachers, and mums recognise that parents want to receive honest and reliable information about their choices in pregnancy, childbirth and early days with a baby.
Sweaty Mama Gateshead South & Durham North
Sweaty Mama is a unique and effective way to exercise with your child! No need to organise childcare, we utilise their weight into our routines. Sweaty Mama classes are suitable for pre and post natal women. The classes are 45 minutes full of fun cardio, resistance and floorwork exercises. All suitable during pregnancy too.
The Honest Midwife
Let’s Talk Birth & Baby Courses and Groups have been developed and are led by Practising Senior and Award Winning Midwife Louise Broadbridge. From the moment you book a course, you are guaranteed ongoing support from Louise and a network of expecting and new parents to share your experiences with.
North East Hypnobirthing
Birth preparation for your positive birth experience. Private 1:1 courses offered across the North East
Offers complementary therapies, relaxation classes, birthing partner workshop, baby massage classes, hypnobirthing class, rebozo instruction, post natal treatment, exercise classes, Ann is also a bellyfit instructor.
The Yoga Tribe
Simple yoga practised in a friendly, non-judgemental environment.
Canny Yoga
Yoga teaching in a unique and authentic style that will aid and support you on your way towards your physical, spiritual and mental goals.
Be More Than Mama
Hypnobirthing and Motherhood Support. Hypnobirthing gives you the tools to stay calm and more comfortable throughout labour. It educates you, and your birth partner, about the wide range of choices you have and gives you the confidence to take control of your birth experience.
First and Foremost Safety
Running child safety antenatal course and baby child lifesaving with home safety tips.
It’s amazing that many businesses have worked hard to create online content to help you learn, feel reassured and confident in your pregnancy and birth and I hope this list is helpful.
Stay Safe and Stay Home
Love, Karen x